Government Agency Applications for Intranet and Internet

Banking and financial markets

1 on-site Software-Architect, Developer

11 months

Business problem

For the realization of various internal business-processes like the creation of bills or master-data-management extensive information-systems were required. Also the government agency had to fulfill information obligations via some internet-portals.

Business value generated

  • Development and maintenance of seven intranet-applications and six secure and accessible internet-applications
  • Migration from EJB to Spring
  • Introduction of an automated test-environment
  • Creation of java-libraries for reuse in projects
  • Establishment of an automated deployment and configuration in a WebSphere environment
  • Refactoring of a JAXP transformation-service (XSL-FO)
  • Creation and integration of rich-internet components

Technologies used

  • Technologies

    AJAX, Agile approach, CSS, Design Patterns, DHTML, Eclipse, Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), HTML, J2EE, Java, Java Server Pages (JSP), JavaScript, JUnit, Conception, Objektoriented Design (OOD), Projectmanagement, Spring, Spring MVC, SQL, Swing, UML, Usability Engineering, Webdesign, Webdevelopment, Web 2.0, Workshops, XSL-FO

  • DevOps

    Ant, CVS, DB2, Domea, IBM WebSphere Application Developer, IBM WebSphere Application Server, Unix